Sometimes when you're enjoying a certain artist's music, you feel the need to share it with others. There's this itch to let your friends listen to it. I'm not talking about spoonfed songs from radio & TV. Rather, I'm referring to non-commercial underground songs and artists not too many people are aware of. The indie-music pool offers a lot of these undiscovered gems. With the advent networking, it has never been easier to hear about unfamiliar bands & artists who are surprisingly good.
A couple of years ago, a fellow-music enthusiast introduced himself online to me. He lives in Mindanao and our common denominator was Grunge at the time. As I got to know him better through constant communication, I have learned that his love for music goes way deeper. Before we knew it, we were sharing thoughts on classic rock & indie artists as well as bouncing ideas about music in general.
Later on, he divulged that he writes his own songs too & even records them, albeit on his low-end mobile phone so he warned me of the bad audio quality. I took a listen and indeed he was right, it's like listening to FM radio with bad reception. However, the songs struck me! The chord progressions are simple (may not be much for the skill-focused musician), but the tunes & melodies are just catchy and the lyrics would ground any deep-thinking listener. To put a clearer description, some parts are reminiscent of Pearl Jam and mostly Nirvana which indicates the influence - but not to the point of sounding like a rip-off. The dude has his own sound. His music is of expression, not impression. Needless to say, I instantly became a fan.
After several months, I finally convinced him to release a demo compilation. He sent me 10 rough demo tracks which I tried to improve
as much as I can. Although the end result is as low-fi as low-fi can get, I believe this is something I am proud of as much as the artist is.
"BRAIN OF ZAFRA's Embryos" is now available.For anyone interested, send me a direct message.
Because I have the itch to let my friends listen to it.